Truth Alive is a 501(c)4 non-profit organization that relies totally on freewill donations from supporters. Truth Alive seeks to improve the health and welfare of society through education in sound Biblical and traditional family values and the assimilation into a healthy, loving community. Per the 501(c)4 of the Internal Revenue Code, Truth Alive endeavors include but are not limited to advocating for legislation, regulations, and government programs that promote the social welfare and common good of the community. Although all donations are not tax deductible, our freedom of speech is unrestricted.
4 Ways to Donate…THANK YOU!
You may make donations by check payable to
Truth Alive, Inc.
Send to
Truth Alive | 1145 Prospect Road | Cheshire, CT 06410-1925
Download Cash App & Zelle onto your Smartphone from the Apple Store or Google Play Store

Click here to Text “truth” to 18605306727 (+1 860.530.6727)